Moving, Trusting and Integrity
Several years ago I moved five times in four years and that doesn’t count the year that I was “homeless” . Every move brought amazing gifts. One move involved moving just 11 miles from where I had been living. And while it was only an 11-mile move it involved an emotional process that resulted in light years of distance between where I was and where I am now. I don’t have words for what transpired other than to say I experienced it as very challenging. At one point, on the other side of the “process,” I was talking with a friend and I burst into tears with the words “I feel like I just made it through something very difficult and I don’t know what that is. It was hard and I don’t know what was so hard.” Simply, I would say that Life was once again providing me with more opportunities to realize what is really True rather than any fearful story my mind might make up. It was also an opportunity to realize at a deeper level how supported I am and that I can trust this amazing universe.
During the past several months I have also become aware that the clearer I become the less able I am to do anything outside of my integrity. I have less “wiggle room” before the pain becomes too obvious to ignore. If I don’t listen and “follow the simple directions,” the consequences support me in guiding me back Home. It’s not always a fun journey and at the same time I know it is essential if I really want to live in alignment with Truth.
I often sit in the question: “What Truth do I need to realize?” I invite you to sit in this question for yourself and see what Truths are realized as you inquire into your beliefs. Be open to the answers that come your way.