It IS a Friendly Universe

It IS a Friendly Universe

Recently Life gifted me with a series of circumstances that has taken me on a most amazing internal journey. I got fired.

As I looked back I could see where it actually began.

As it unfolded I observed my experience and I was struck by how quickly I seemed to move from moments of fear to realizing a sense of freedom and clarity that I had not previously experienced.  I came to call it “Divine Intervention.” It was a happening and there was nothing I could do about it except to hang on for the ride and play my part.

I can honestly say I am grateful.  It was an opportunity to dive into what appeared to be the dark tar pit of core beliefs that had been ruling my world – “What others say and believe about me is true.”  Having unraveled the upper layers it was an opportunity to get into the muck of the tar and see what was left.  It was both challenging and easy at the same time.

I was stunned by how quickly I went from thoughts such as: “My whole livelihood has been stripped away,” “I’ve been kicked out.” to “Oh goodie, I can sit on my front porch and drink tea, take more hikes and see where Life will take me next.” This was followed by a very solid realization that “It is none of my business what I do or not do next. I know I will be supported.”  I just don’t know what that will look like.”

The next stream of thoughts, “No more workshops.” “No more clients.”  “She hates me.” “I’ve done something horrible,” “My friends will all leave me,” “How will I make a living?” quickly moved to seeing how Reality immediately proved me wrong and a curiosity for how it will unfold.

Some have asked what I learned.  “Curious” is the word that most frequently surfaces. Some realizations I remember, most I do not – it’s not necessary.  I either live it or Life will give me the opportunity to realize it at a deeper level. Below is a list of some of what I do remember. While not new they are experienced at a much deeper level and I am confident that even deeper realizations are awaiting.

  • The Truth is all that I am interested in.
  • This was absolutely for me and I am honestly grateful.
  • Taking responsibility for my part is essential and what I thought would be dark and ugly turns out to be enlightening, easy and kind. I know that 100% responsibility = 0% guilt and 0% blame.
  • It really is a friendly universe.
  • What others imagined I was experiencing was not even close to my actual experience.
  • The most lovely reaction for me was my daughter’s response: “This should have happened a long time ago Mom. It’s time for you to ‘write’ your own book.”

The image of a Tibetan sand painting comes to mind and what I imagine one might experience after completing a sand painting with much love and attention and then wiping it all away in one swift fearless movement. What shape will the new design take?

I see this as a shared journey. For all who have supported me in this time, in your thoughts, via a sent message, with facilitation, or just listening so I could hear my mind speak, I am grateful beyond what any words might convey.  The person I was yesterday is not who I am in this moment and not who I will be tomorrow ~ nor are you.  I continue to dive in to see what other gifts this experience has for me. It is too precious to waste. I am doing my Work and Inquiry is doing me.

I am  grateful also to those who have judged me, separated themselves from me and thought me “guilty.”   I have benefited from it all.  It is all for me.

Songs often speak my experience in ways I am unable to and I was recently reminded of Kirtana’s song “Open Secret” which rang so true in describing my current experience. Listen to it and see what rings true for you.

© Copyright 2025 Maggie Carter. All rights reserved. Site by Diana Nichols