Dance of Perfection

A few years ago I hosted a retreat in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico with an amazing group of women.  During our time together we shared, we laughed, we cried, and we discovered how we try to manipulate others for their love, approval and appreciation.  We questioned our strongly held beliefs, had conversations that opened our minds and hearts and learned about ourselves and from each other. I loved the intimacy and openness that we all fell into.

During our time together I became aware of something I now call “The Dance of Perfection.” As I observed the interactions between us and heard what was shared, I noticed how it was impossible for any of us to do anything “wrong.”  What seemed “wrong” in the moment to one person was the exact thing that someone else benefited from.  And the person who had done the “wrong” thing also experienced the benefit. We were engaged in an amazing dance.  Because of the slow pace and the opportunities to observe and share, we were able to notice what we don’t normally observe in daily life. And because of our openness and sharing, this “Dance of Perfection” became obvious.

It turns out that this Dance is actually happening all the time –we just don’t see it.  We don’t normally talk to each other and share vulnerably in life as we did during the retreat.  If we paused long enough and stopped taking everything so personally; if we shared more openly and honestly, we could see more clearly how this “Dance of Perfection” is playing out constantly in our daily lives, dancing perfectly in all ways. I think I might be finally getting it – I can’t do it wrong, ever.   I invite us all to slow down, share honestly and observe this “Dance of Perfection” and experience Life as an experiment.

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